student presenting a poster

Celebration of 本科 Research, Scholarship & 创造性活动



Celebration of 本科 Research, Scholarship, and 创造性活动 (CURSCA) is bet亚洲365欢迎投注’s annual showcase of scholarly and creative work by undergraduates. CURSCA provides a forum for students to share their work with, 并由, 基督教徒团体. 的 first CURSCA was held in April 2002 and was limited to a display of scientific posters; today, CURSCA includes poster presentations, 口头报告, and creative displays and performances. CURSCA is a vibrant display of the complexity and depth of undergraduate research and creative pursuits at Marist.

本科 research is a high-impact practice that drives important student learning outcomes. Mentoring students is also critical to faculty engagement. 的 Council on 本科 Research (CUR) defines undergraduate research as “[a] mentored investigation or creative inquiry conducted by undergraduates that seeks to make a scholarly or artistic contribution to knowledge.” 的 CURSCA committee takes a pluralistic approach to undergraduate research to include all independent projects that students complete under the supervision of a faculty mentor. 因此, undergraduate research is not limited to the humanities or sciences but happens in all majors and departments across our campus. Likewise, creative activities are pursued by students enrolled in many different majors.


CURSCA 2024 will be hosted in person during the week of April 15-19 to coincide with 本科 Research Week. CURSCA will take place on Wednesday, April 17.

bet亚洲365欢迎投注 is an enhanced institutional member of the Council on 本科 Research (CUR). 所有的学生 can register as a CUR member.


All Marist students engaged in research or creative activities can apply to participate in CURSCA. 所有的学生 must have a faculty sponsor to submit and present their work. Students may present research or scholarly/creative activity that they have already prepared or presented for another purpose, such as an independent study or senior project, a conference presentation, 戏剧性的阅读, 或者是独奏会. 的 CURSCA Committee prefers that students present work that goes beyond a course assignment; that is, work that represents a higher level of independent scholarship; however, work that was undertaken as part of a course is acceptable for submission. 的 CURSCA Committee reviews and accepts all student projects that will be included in CURSCA 2022.

的 registration portal for CURSCA 2024 可以在这里找到. 的 registration portal will close on March 22, 2024.

Student Research Poster Presentations

Students can use the following bet亚洲365欢迎投注 poster templates, 和资源, in preparing their presentations:

CURSCA 2024委员会

法学博士Pupcenoks Co-Chair, Associate Professor of Political 科学

伊丽莎白•里德 Co-Chair, Associate Professor of Mathematics

米歇尔Becuwe Assistant Professor of Biology

杰西卡Boscarino Associate Professor of Political 科学

南希花茎甘蓝 Head, Public and Research Services Librarian

Daria汉森 Associate Professor of Social Work 

詹妮弗·芬恩 Chairperson Fashion Department and Senior Professional Lecturer Fashion Merchandising

卡洛琳骑手 Associate Professor, School of 管理

詹姆斯·斯奈德 Dean for Academic Engagement and Associate Professor of Philosophy